Acupuncture Works: Evidence Informed Practice
Acupuncture, the "newest" drug alternative, is over 3000 years old. It is the oldest continuously practiced medical system in the world. It is likely that more people have been treated by Chinese medicine than any other formalized system of medicine. This highly effective system is based on natural laws which govern the movement of vital lifegiving energy called Qi. This Qi energy moves throughout the body in a system of interwoven channels that support the functions of our body, mind and spirit. With the bombardment of stress, emotional upset, physical trauma and the fast pace nature of our lives, the natural movement of Qi can be disturbed. This disruption of flow leads to an energy imbalance that eventually surfaces in the form of our specific symptoms. Using this system of Qi energy, acupuncture allows our body to heal our symptoms by addressing the root cause of the condition or illness. With the gentle insertion of FDA approved, single use, sterilized hair thin needles at specific points along the channels of Qi energy, the body is able to restore balance on a deep energetic level and thus resolve symptoms.
According to the World Health Organization, Acupuncture can treat over 50 diseases and disorders such as;
Finally, it is important to note that acupuncture is often an effective therapy for other chronic and painful debilitating disorders that have no clear explanation or origin.
Benefits of Acupuncture:
Acupuncture for Allergies: Dr. Harold Nelson, an allergy specialist at National Jewish Health in Denver, Colorado did a study to check the effectiveness of Acupuncture in treating seasonal allergies. His research showed that 71% of people benefitted after about eight weeks of Acupuncture treatment.
Acupuncture for Anxiety: Research has shown that Acupuncture may regulate the levels of neurotransmitters (or their modulators) and hormones such as serotonin, noradrenaline, dopamine, GABA, neuropeptide Y and ACTH; hence altering the brain's mood chemistry to help to combat negative affective states and reverse pathological changes in levels of inflammatory cytokines that are associated with anxiety (Arranz 2007).
Acupuncture for Pain Relief: In a 2012 study of 18,000 patients at Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in NYC, Acupuncture outperformed standard care when used by people suffering from Osteoarthritis, Migraines, Chronic Back, Neck and Shoulder Pain.
Acupuncture for Fertility: Several studies have shown promising data that acupuncture affects the menstrual cycle by having a neuroendocrine effect on the body. This means that the different combinations of acupuncture points play a role in the release of the hormones responsible for regulating your cycle. Research has shown that different protocols of acupuncture treatment can;
Balance reproductive hormones by increasing the body’s endorphin levels which eliminates the interference of stress hormones
So far, scientists conclude that one of the obvious ways acupuncture treats infertility is by reducing stress. When we are under intense, long-term stressful situations, the human body produces a hormone called cortisol. Cortisol is released in the brain altering the brain’s neurochemical balance which disrupts the pituitary gland and thereby changes the level of sex hormones in the body. Because of the delicate balance between the hypothalamus, pituitary and reproductive organs/glands, this is why stress is able to prevent a woman from ovulating entirely. Stress can also cause spasms in the fallopian tubes and the uterus which can disrupt implantation. Acupuncture counters the effects of stress and cortisol by causing the brain to release endorphins. Endorphins exert a powerful calming effect on the entire body and this also explains why acupuncture is so relaxing.
Increase blood flow to the reproductive organs to promote follicle production and egg & endometrial health
Special acupuncture point combinations and techniques have been shown to increase blood flow to the reproductive organs. Healthy blood that is supported by a healthy diet will provide the ovaries and uterus with more nourishment. The increase in healthy blood flow can increase follicle and egg health and also encourage the lining of the uterus to make a more hospitable environment for an embryo to implant and grow. Using specific acupuncture treatments to increase blood flow to the ovaries in addition to gonadotropin therapy is thought to be responsible for an increase in number of follicles and more importantly the quality of the eggs and subsequent embryos. This is especially true for women who have a poor prognosis either because of age or previously failed cycles.
Strengthen the immune system to prevent immunological complications and decrease inflammation
Strengthening the immune system can play a very important role in conception. The endorphins that are released by the brain during acupuncture can raise the amount of white blood cells, T-cells and antibodies in the body thereby increasing the body’s level of immunity. This becomes important when there are immunological causes for fertility or failed implantation issues. An overactive immune system can also cause unwanted inflammation in the reproductive organs. This is particularly true for women with endometriosis. There are many benefits to using acupuncture as well as diet therapy and supplements such as omega-3 fatty acids and pycnogenol which can effectively reduce an inflammatory immune response.
Enhance the effectiveness of IVF medications and reduce side effects
Researchers from the University of Maryland School of Medicine concluded that Acupuncture increases pregnancy rates for women receiving IVF at Medical Clinics that otherwise have low success rates. A meta-analysis of 16 clinical trials consisting of 4,021 subjects revealed that Acupuncture was successful in increasing pregnancy rates in clinics with a lower than 32% IVF success rate. The study concludes that in clinical scenarios where pregnancy rates are low, Acupuncture effectively increases pregnancy rates. When couples begin with good quality eggs, sperm and endometrial lining – the chances of an assisted reproductive therapy working are increased dramatically. Aside from how age affects egg quality, there is a lot to be said for how diet, lifestyle factors and overall health play an important role in the body’s ability to conceive and maintain a healthy pregnancy. When a couple prepares ahead of time by maximizing on their inherent fertility, they can proceed with assisted reproductive therapies with the assurance that they have the best chances to succeed. IVF medications can do much more with eggs that are already being nourished with nutrient-rich blood in a hormonally balanced environment and lead you toward healthy embryos. Acupuncture can also help reduce the side effects some women experience from the medications and the stress of the IVF experience. By promoting balance, women tend not to feel such dramatic emotional swings when doing acupuncture. It also addresses the feelings of discomfort in the abdomen, constipation, hot flashes and headaches women can get during the cycle.
Improve sperm count, motility and morphology
In men, the effects of acupuncture on infertility symptoms may be part of a systemic affect on the whole body. As the acupuncture promotes positive health, a significant improvement in the number and quality of sperm is a natural part of this positive health change. Two studies, one published in the medical journal, Archives of Andrology, in Sept.-Oct. 1997 and the other published in Andrologia in January 2000, documented research on infertile males suffering from low sperm quality. The study showed a significant improvement in total functional sperm, the percentage of sperm viability, and the total motile spermatozoa per ejaculate. These results were obtained by taking sperm samples from the men before and after one month of acupuncture treatment.
Acupuncture and Dry Needling
I often get questions regarding Dry Needling and how it relates to Acupuncture. The informative chart below explains the term dry needling in more detail.
Acupuncture, the "newest" drug alternative, is over 3000 years old. It is the oldest continuously practiced medical system in the world. It is likely that more people have been treated by Chinese medicine than any other formalized system of medicine. This highly effective system is based on natural laws which govern the movement of vital lifegiving energy called Qi. This Qi energy moves throughout the body in a system of interwoven channels that support the functions of our body, mind and spirit. With the bombardment of stress, emotional upset, physical trauma and the fast pace nature of our lives, the natural movement of Qi can be disturbed. This disruption of flow leads to an energy imbalance that eventually surfaces in the form of our specific symptoms. Using this system of Qi energy, acupuncture allows our body to heal our symptoms by addressing the root cause of the condition or illness. With the gentle insertion of FDA approved, single use, sterilized hair thin needles at specific points along the channels of Qi energy, the body is able to restore balance on a deep energetic level and thus resolve symptoms.
According to the World Health Organization, Acupuncture can treat over 50 diseases and disorders such as;
- Cancer Support, including treatment of nausea and vomiting associated with chemotherapy drugs used in cancer treatment;
- Fertility Concerns, including infertility, IUI and IVF support, morning sickness, labor inducement, turning breech babies, pregnancy support, and sexual disfunction;
- Gynecological Concerns, such as irregular, heavy, or painful menstruation, menopausal induced hot flashes, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), and menstrual migraines;
- Nervous System Disorders, such as migraine headaches, headaches, neuralgia, insomnia, dizziness, chronic fatigue, facial palsy/tics, and trigeminal neuralgia;
- Gastrointestinal Concerns, such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), reflux, heart burn, chronic diarrhea or constipation, indigestion, bad breath, gastrointestinal weakness, colitis, gastritis, and food allergies;
- Respiratory Disorders, such as emphysema, sinusitis, asthma, allergies and bronchitis and other symptoms that affect the ears, nose, and throat;
- Pain Issues Affecting the Muscles, Joints and Bones, such as pain in the lower back, neck and shoulder, sciatica, carpal tunnel syndrome, wrist pain, tennis elbow, arthritis, and fibromyalgia;
- Uro-genital Disorders, including stress incontinence, urinary tract infections, and sexual dysfunction;
- Circulatory Disorders, such as hypertension, anemia, cold hands and feet, joint and muscle pain;
- Stress Related, Emotional and Psychological Disorders, including depression, anxiety, anorexia, and seasonal affective disorder;
- Addictions to alcohol, nicotine, drugs, and food;
Finally, it is important to note that acupuncture is often an effective therapy for other chronic and painful debilitating disorders that have no clear explanation or origin.
Benefits of Acupuncture:
- Total or Partial Relief of Symptoms
- Sense of Relaxation and Improvement in Sleep
- Quicker Recovery from Illness
- Fewer use of Medications
- Reduction of Stress
- Reduction in Long-term Health Care Costs
Acupuncture for Allergies: Dr. Harold Nelson, an allergy specialist at National Jewish Health in Denver, Colorado did a study to check the effectiveness of Acupuncture in treating seasonal allergies. His research showed that 71% of people benefitted after about eight weeks of Acupuncture treatment.
Acupuncture for Anxiety: Research has shown that Acupuncture may regulate the levels of neurotransmitters (or their modulators) and hormones such as serotonin, noradrenaline, dopamine, GABA, neuropeptide Y and ACTH; hence altering the brain's mood chemistry to help to combat negative affective states and reverse pathological changes in levels of inflammatory cytokines that are associated with anxiety (Arranz 2007).
Acupuncture for Pain Relief: In a 2012 study of 18,000 patients at Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in NYC, Acupuncture outperformed standard care when used by people suffering from Osteoarthritis, Migraines, Chronic Back, Neck and Shoulder Pain.
Acupuncture for Fertility: Several studies have shown promising data that acupuncture affects the menstrual cycle by having a neuroendocrine effect on the body. This means that the different combinations of acupuncture points play a role in the release of the hormones responsible for regulating your cycle. Research has shown that different protocols of acupuncture treatment can;
Balance reproductive hormones by increasing the body’s endorphin levels which eliminates the interference of stress hormones
So far, scientists conclude that one of the obvious ways acupuncture treats infertility is by reducing stress. When we are under intense, long-term stressful situations, the human body produces a hormone called cortisol. Cortisol is released in the brain altering the brain’s neurochemical balance which disrupts the pituitary gland and thereby changes the level of sex hormones in the body. Because of the delicate balance between the hypothalamus, pituitary and reproductive organs/glands, this is why stress is able to prevent a woman from ovulating entirely. Stress can also cause spasms in the fallopian tubes and the uterus which can disrupt implantation. Acupuncture counters the effects of stress and cortisol by causing the brain to release endorphins. Endorphins exert a powerful calming effect on the entire body and this also explains why acupuncture is so relaxing.
Increase blood flow to the reproductive organs to promote follicle production and egg & endometrial health
Special acupuncture point combinations and techniques have been shown to increase blood flow to the reproductive organs. Healthy blood that is supported by a healthy diet will provide the ovaries and uterus with more nourishment. The increase in healthy blood flow can increase follicle and egg health and also encourage the lining of the uterus to make a more hospitable environment for an embryo to implant and grow. Using specific acupuncture treatments to increase blood flow to the ovaries in addition to gonadotropin therapy is thought to be responsible for an increase in number of follicles and more importantly the quality of the eggs and subsequent embryos. This is especially true for women who have a poor prognosis either because of age or previously failed cycles.
Strengthen the immune system to prevent immunological complications and decrease inflammation
Strengthening the immune system can play a very important role in conception. The endorphins that are released by the brain during acupuncture can raise the amount of white blood cells, T-cells and antibodies in the body thereby increasing the body’s level of immunity. This becomes important when there are immunological causes for fertility or failed implantation issues. An overactive immune system can also cause unwanted inflammation in the reproductive organs. This is particularly true for women with endometriosis. There are many benefits to using acupuncture as well as diet therapy and supplements such as omega-3 fatty acids and pycnogenol which can effectively reduce an inflammatory immune response.
Enhance the effectiveness of IVF medications and reduce side effects
Researchers from the University of Maryland School of Medicine concluded that Acupuncture increases pregnancy rates for women receiving IVF at Medical Clinics that otherwise have low success rates. A meta-analysis of 16 clinical trials consisting of 4,021 subjects revealed that Acupuncture was successful in increasing pregnancy rates in clinics with a lower than 32% IVF success rate. The study concludes that in clinical scenarios where pregnancy rates are low, Acupuncture effectively increases pregnancy rates. When couples begin with good quality eggs, sperm and endometrial lining – the chances of an assisted reproductive therapy working are increased dramatically. Aside from how age affects egg quality, there is a lot to be said for how diet, lifestyle factors and overall health play an important role in the body’s ability to conceive and maintain a healthy pregnancy. When a couple prepares ahead of time by maximizing on their inherent fertility, they can proceed with assisted reproductive therapies with the assurance that they have the best chances to succeed. IVF medications can do much more with eggs that are already being nourished with nutrient-rich blood in a hormonally balanced environment and lead you toward healthy embryos. Acupuncture can also help reduce the side effects some women experience from the medications and the stress of the IVF experience. By promoting balance, women tend not to feel such dramatic emotional swings when doing acupuncture. It also addresses the feelings of discomfort in the abdomen, constipation, hot flashes and headaches women can get during the cycle.
Improve sperm count, motility and morphology
In men, the effects of acupuncture on infertility symptoms may be part of a systemic affect on the whole body. As the acupuncture promotes positive health, a significant improvement in the number and quality of sperm is a natural part of this positive health change. Two studies, one published in the medical journal, Archives of Andrology, in Sept.-Oct. 1997 and the other published in Andrologia in January 2000, documented research on infertile males suffering from low sperm quality. The study showed a significant improvement in total functional sperm, the percentage of sperm viability, and the total motile spermatozoa per ejaculate. These results were obtained by taking sperm samples from the men before and after one month of acupuncture treatment.
Acupuncture and Dry Needling
I often get questions regarding Dry Needling and how it relates to Acupuncture. The informative chart below explains the term dry needling in more detail.